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# careers magazine

All time
Why kissing up to your boss can be a bad idea in the long term - study
Need help progressing at work? Send us your questions
If you're looking to get ahead, keep these 6 mantras in mind
6 dangerous phrases that could be harming your chances of a promotion
The first 100 days: How to impress AFTER you land that promotion
5 ways to boost your chances of promotion - according to a professional attention-seeker
6 things you didn't know about... my job as a career counsellor
'He finally called me 'mum'!': How I got a job as a sound therapist helping children
Looking for a promotion? Here are the 7 simple steps to getting there
How to stand out from the crowd when job hunting
5 ways to make sure you're a team player in your first grownup job
How to make an internship work for you - according to an intern
10 questions to ask your interviewer for a graduate role (or any role)
5 ways to be a maverick with your degree - whatever you start out doing
Looking for help landing that first post-college job? We've answered your questions
7 things you didn't know about... my job helping women make new friends at GirlCrew
How I landed my job as a TV floor manager: 'Work hard and talk to everyone'
'Check what happens when you Google yourself': Essential tips to land your first job after college
Office dogs and Prosecco happy hour: Inside WeWork's Dublin coworking space
Why confidence is essential in the modern workplace - even if you’re not on the front line
How to delegate tasks effectively and boost productivity
Get your voice heard: How to be more assertive in meetings
How to influence people with confidence - and 3 classic mistakes to avoid
6 simple tips for taking criticism like a boss
Want to improve your self-belief at work? We put your questions to an expert
7 things you didn't know about... my job helping people let their homes on Airbnb
'Choreographing a troupe of children will prepare you for anything': How I landed a senior job in digital media
Silence your inner critic: How to be more confident at work (and why your boss will thank you)
Secrets of the middle aisle: How I got my job as Lidl's Head of Promotional Planning
From fresh meals to meditation rooms: Here's what it's like to work at Smarkets
We love to blame technology for our 'always-on' lives. But does Silicon Valley have the answers too?
Study: Inflexible jobs can make workers miserable
5 ways to stay sane while managing multiple projects
WATCH: We put your live questions about work-life balance to a career coach
7 things you didn’t know about... work-life balance as a stay-at-home parent
'I've always been the organiser with friends': How I became a trailblazer in the co-working movement
'Turn off your notifications': How to find work-life harmony in our always-on world
WATCH: We put your questions about difficult bosses to a careers expert
5 ways to build positive workplace relationships, according to an expert
Work wars: 5 tips for holding your own in an office conflict - and when to let it go