Dublin: 12 °C Wednesday 8 May, 2024

# Heart Disease

All time
Good news, women: RCSI finds oestrogen cuts risk of liver and heart disease
A man, woman or child dies from heart disease and stroke every hour in Ireland
More than 100k people diagnosed with stroke or coronary heart disease in 2012
Dublin hurler set for 1,100km cycle to raise money for heart charities
10 ways that drinking too much coffee can destroy your body
Study of mummies reveals heart disease may have been common in ancient world
Poll: Do you think schools should increase time spent in PE classes?
Heart disease risk in children as young as 10 - study
People more likely to take preventive medications combined in a single pill
Study reveals every single junk food meal damages your arteries
Dermot Morgan's sons to launch Heart Month
20 'superfoods' that everyone went bonkers over
Consuming red meat substantially increases risk of earlier death - study
Column: 5 reasons why we need to hike taxes on cigarettes. (Yes, again.)
Chris Macey
Common heart disease drug could 'combat racism'
Teenage girls spend 19 hours a day sitting or lying down - study
More houses now imposing a home smoking ban
44 per cent of death claims lodged with Irish Life last year linked to cancer
Infographic: Why you should get more sleep
Column: Complementary medicine can help us get healthier - and spend less
Avril Ivory
Ireland's vital signs: The nation's health over the last decade
Hooray! Chocolate is actually good for your heart (in moderation)
Every hour of TV shortens your life by 22 minutes - study
Smoking is bigger risk for women than men, says new study
'Macho Man' Randy Savage was dead before his car crashed
70 per cent of 2010 accidental deaths were male
One in ten adults in the world is obese
Too much TV wrecks your heart, says new study