Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 1 June, 2024

# midnight must read

All time
Using phones instead of physical Leap Cards part of NTA's plans to shake up commuter travel
Tough new Airbnb laws will ban short-term lets by landlords and introduce 90-day cap
New BusConnects plan won't be published until 'sometime' next year
New figures show 134 children have been deported from Ireland since 2013
Bus Éireann charges almost double what NI company does for the exact same Dublin-Belfast service
Dublin City Council plotting €200 million funding for 'below market rent' apartment blocks
Drug dealing criminals using bookmakers' online accounts to stash money
Here's what the presidential candidates think about Trump, Brexit and the Eighth Amendment
NCT contract worth €650 million up for grabs for ten years to 2030
Visually impaired couple who work in city say BusConnects will have 'devastating effect'
Homeless accommodation: Staff complaints detail racial abuse, drug use, threatening behaviour
Taylor torn down and Callinan undone: Judge Charleton's forensic analysis on a national scandal
'It's a stark reality': Vast majority of women in Ireland feel vulnerable because of their gender
A woman with the strength of the sea: The Kerry Gaeltacht says goodbye to Emma Mhic Mhathúna
Budget 2019: Here's what measures kick in today
Dublin model under garda probe for stashing Kinahan-linked drug money
Welfare increase, fuel hike and income tax cuts: Here's what's coming in Budget 2019
'That is insane': Taxi driver quoted €17,000 for insurance 'had no choice' but to pay so he could work
Vast majority (94%) consent to take part in delayed smear test review
Number affected by tracker mortgage scandal rises - it's now over 38,000
Council to spend nearly €3 million on fanzones for four Euro 2020 games to be played in Dublin
Old wounds, new problems: A drive along the Irish border before Brexit
'I started taking drugs when I was 12 ... it was just seen as a cool thing to do'
Over 11,000 jobseekers forced to do exact same programme twice
The national average rent is now almost €1,100 per month
Fingal council says vacant home occupiers could delay handover of property to those on housing list
Arlene Foster due before 'cash-for-ash' inquiry - here's what we know so far
Gardaí release number of drink driving arrests - 15,000 more than previously published
Plans afoot to build giant mural at Aviva Stadium to dissuade graffiti artists
Irish religious watchdog taking The Da Vinci Code publishers to High Court
'Of course it's a setback but if it's not safe, it's not safe': 100,000 turned away as Ali knocks out Ploughing
Garda resourcing under spotlight as pre teens allegedly used in Ballymun drug trade
Nine-year-old boy in care moved five different times in 13 days
From Colombian cartels to grow-houses in Galway: where do Ireland's illegal drugs come from?
'Most professionals couldn't afford it' - student unions applying rent caps to ads to try and tame the rental crisis monster
'It's Catch 22': Former members frustrated as main ESB union refuses to confirm that they've left
How one drug can make sex euphoric, but also destroy lives
Drugs in Ireland - what did we take before, what are we taking now?
'It shouldn't distract from the focus': Groups unite to bring Trump baby to Ireland for presidential visit
Mother and one-year-old child walk streets waiting to hear about accommodation for the night