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16 photos of '00s TV shows that will make you weep with nostalgia

God, remember Punk’d.

1. Remember Sligo man Tabby on the very first series of The X Factor

tabby YouTube YouTube

2. Stephen and Lauren on Laguna Beach was a rollercoaster

laguna MTV MTV

3. Remember the lad Anthony winning Big Brother in 2005

anthony YouTube YouTube

And *those* couches.

4. These lads <3

malcolmin wikia wikia

5. And Lizzie

great-fashion-lizzie-mcguire-reviewed Lizziemcguirereviewed Lizziemcguirereviewed

6. Johnny Bravo was an early ’00s Cartoon Network fix

SNn Cartoon Network Cartoon Network

7. Who could forget the You’re a Star hysteria around James Kilbane in 2004

youreastar YouTube YouTube

8. And the jacket the eventual winner Chris Doran wore on Eurovision



9. Perhaps the most ’00s foursome of them all – The OC crew

7fed40a0-ffbb-0131-075b-0eae5eefacd9 Imgix Imgix

10. Remember Justin Timberlake getting Punk’d in the first ever episode of Ashton Kutcher’s show

justin-timberlake-800 Wordpress Wordpress

11. And the Kelly Osbourne follow up


12. Give Up Yer Aul Sins was everywhere in 2001

Brown_Bag_Films_-_Give_Up_Yer_Aul_Sins_01_720_360_c1 Brownbagfilms Brownbagfilms

13. Ah would you look at Jake Stevens

jake Youtube Youtube

14. A decade where The Panel dominated all

thepanel YouTube YouTube

15. And the last embers of Hey Arnold! still burned

70692 Sidereel Sidereel

16. What a time for television

gowith2 MTV MTV


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