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# 1986 state papers

All time
The government brought in word processors in the 1980s - and civil servants weren't too happy
The Government opposed giving any special money to help people left devastated by Hurricane Charley
The government was worried a Russian nuclear satellite was about to fall on our heads 30 years ago
Ireland risked a PR disaster by billing for post mortems following the Air India 747 bombing
Ireland tried to ban smoking in public in 1986 - and Big Tobacco was not impressed
'It outsold U2' - an album of Bosco songs was one of RTÉ's biggest hits in 1984
Irish politicians really wanted Bob Geldof to win the Nobel Peace Prize
A Donegal child wrote a letter to Garret FitzGerald in 1984 having a sly dig at Charlie Haughey
Government investigated whether Josef Mengele spent time in Ireland after World War II
'A punishment from God's own hand' - the Irish got Biblical in their objections to 1985's contraception law
Government considered using 'AIDS argument' in David Norris gay rights case