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# Amnesty

This year
Amnesty International hits out at Ireland's 'failing' housing system in human rights report
Last year
Victims’ images projected on Parliament as UK Government urged to scrap Troubles legacy Bill
All time
Larry Donnelly: Biden’s student debt initiative is a welcome drop in the ocean
Larry Donnelly
Russia-backed official in Ukraine dies after assassination attack
Head of Amnesty Ukraine quits over human rights report
Families vow to keep fighting for truth 50 years after Springhill shootings
Coveney has 'serious concerns' around new Troubles amnesty legislation
UK Government set to bring forward Troubles legacy proposals
Russian forces executed and raped civilians in apparent war crimes, Amnesty investigators find
UK government to prepare to ensure availability of abortion services in Northern Ireland
Mike Murphy: Why I’m supporting a call on the EU to ban trade with illegal Israeli settlements
Mike Murphy
Ethiopian opposition leaders freed under amnesty
UK government has ‘fight on its hands’ over plans to ban Troubles prosecutions – McDonald
Anger over UK government’s plan to ban Troubles prosecutions continues to grow
Irish pharma lobby criticises Covid vaccine IP waiver but campaigners say drugmakers have 'lost the argument'
Church or ministers won't have to provide same-sex marriage in the North under proposed law
New Zealanders hand in more than 56,000 guns after assault weapon ban
Nicaragua to release protesters arrested during last year's uprising
Rise of 'tough guy' world leaders 'mirrors the rise of fascism in the 1930s'
Sipo's order that Amnesty should return €137,000 grant is quashed after High Court appeal
Iraqi women suspected of IS links being sexually exploited and refused aid
Almost 1,000 executions were recorded last year, including beheadings and lethal injections
Belfast City Council passes motion to decriminalise use of abortion pills
Treatment of 'hooded men' wasn't torture, human rights court rules
Amnesty boss says watchdog's grant decision could prove 'catastrophic'
Standards commission explains why George Soros' donation to fund Amnesty abortion campaign was illegal
'The nightmare is over': Ibrahim Halawa has been released from prison in Egypt
'This is ethnic cleansing': Heat-maps show huge fires spread across Rohingya region
'I don’t trust anyone any more, they all failed me' - The sexual victims of Bosnia's war
'Cruel, self-defeating': Obama slams Trump's plans to scrap scheme for young undocumented immigrants
'Heading towards a conclusion': Trial of Ibrahim Halawa coming to a close
'If men are caught, they are killed. If women are caught, they are raped'
Is the UK taking a step back from human rights protections?
Charlie Flanagan 'disappointed' witnesses fail to appear at Ibrahim Halawa hearing
China releases human rights lawyer after 'show trial'
Children in Denmark and Germany 'scarred by surgery to normalise their sex'
Ibrahim Halawa's trial delayed for 22nd time
'This approach will not help victims of trafficking': Groups at odds as sex bill passes final stage
Philippines police 'being paid to kill drug dealers' says report
Knife amnesty to combat stabbings set to come to the capital