Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Badgers

Last year
Pat Kenny 'flabbergasted' by decision to allow nursing home he fears will harm badgers
All time
Badgers to be vaccinated against TB to stop them giving it to cattle
Twink, Superquinn sausages, Irish Water, and punts: Ireland by numbers in 2014
Ireland culled up to 39,000 badgers in six years
On patrol with Britain's badger cull saboteurs
Cavemen, Cowen and Coca-Cola: The week in numbers
This badger is better at tweeting than you
Ireland in breach of European convention over badger culling reports
Government strategy will lead to more badger killings - Irish Wildlife Trust
It's Friday so here's a slideshow of badgers from around the world
Three in court over badger baiting