Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Birth

All time
A lot of Chinese couples don't want a second child after all
"It's like watching Alien": Men watch a baby being born for the first time
One in four children in Ireland are born to a non-Irish mother
The '100 millionth' Filipino baby was born this morning
Urgent need for bereavement training for chaplains in maternity hospitals
Woman gives birth outside Primark store in Birmingham
Jack and Emily remain top dogs but celebrity babies make their mark
The Quadfather - Limerick couple welcome quadruplets after four years trying
A tiny baby weighing less than a pound was born this week
Opinion: Giving birth at home – a piece of cake?
Alice Marchand
Column: I carried my baby to term, knowing when he was born I would have to bury him
Michelle Meehan
Monorail, al-Qaeda, and Easter eggs: The week in numbers
Stark differences between childbirth procedures in public and private hospitals
Interventions for first-time mothers "worryingly high" in Irish hospitals
Column: The day I had to prove I was Irish – and failed
Stephen Collins
Irish dad describes shock after wife gives birth on pedestrian crossing
Pics: Meet Leona, the last baby born in Mount Carmel Private Hospital
This man has asked the internet to name his baby girl
Government to consider free nicotine patches for pregnant women
Exposure to air pollution increases risk of having low birthweight baby
Column: Our medical culture denies women a say on how, and where, they give birth
Barbara Western
Despite refusal, home birth case a "worthwhile fight"
Newborn baby survives crash after car birth
New bill will crack down on 'sham' marriages
Chinese mother throws newborn from building
Column: Every miscarriage is a loss, and I still think of my children that never got here
Catherine W
Younger mothers at higher risk of premature birth
1 in 3 Irish women affected by pelvic floor dysfunction
Sitdown Sunday: 7 deadly reads
Babies born by Caesarian more susceptible to developing allergies
BOD and Hubes just had a baby girl. The world reacts.
Robotic surgery helps Cork mother in second successful birth
Bishops: Treatment that might put foetus at risk "ethically permissible"
Birth rate falls, but Irish women remain Europe's most fertile
Column: 11 things nobody tells you about giving birth
Deborah McCarthy
New DNA techniques could help prevent genetic diseases
Frozen - over fresh - embryos may improve IVF success
Definition of 'premature' should be reconsidered - report
Column: I had a home birth – and all mums should have the same option
Eva-Louise Goussot
More than a quarter of births in Ireland are to women aged 35 and over