Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Canvass

All time
Politicians warned 'the door will be shut in their faces' if there's a Christmas election
Sinn Féin looking into claim that canvasser told constituent to 'f*** off'
"I just want to convince people that the place for Labour is in government"
Here's how half-a-million Yes badges became the referendum's most coveted symbol
Renua's guide to canvassing: 'Don’t forget to be a regular person, who acts like a human'
Fine Gael TD's involvement in scuffle was "unacceptable" and "embarrassing"... says FG candidate
There was some pretty awkward canvassing at the Stephen's Green Luas stop this morning
'People are raging': Bríd Smith is capitalising on voter anger
'Ah yeah, I probably will': Fianna Fáil looks for votes at Dublin's most competitive Luas stop
Pics: Water charge protesters joined the Taoiseach's Limerick canvass
VIDEO: Labour candidate confronted in Dublin, "thuggery and intimidation" says Joan Burton
Gallery: Yes and No campaigns make last ditch efforts to secure votes