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# Chilean Miners

All time
Five years and a film later, there is no Hollywood ending for the rescued Chilean miners
Chilean miners' message to their World Cup hopefuls: 'impossible is nothing'
Gabriel Byrne signs on to play engineering hero in Chilean miners movie
Subdued miner Pena returns to run New York City Marathon
Nearly a year on, where are 'Los 33' now?
Chilean copper miners' drama set for silver screen
Chilean mine collapse report blames owners
2010 in review: August
Facebook's Zuckerberg named Time's Person of the Year
Marathon man: Chilean miner finishes 42km New York Marathon
10 more Chilean miners set to leave hospital
In pictures: the Chilean rescue, as it unfolded
One man, a mine, his wife and his lover
Timeline of a truly great escape
Seeing the light: 33 miners freed after ten-week torture
Haircuts and heels: Miners' wives race to look their best
Chile: what happens next?
Wife of trapped Chilean miner meets mistress at vigil
First baby born to trapped Chilean miner
Chilean miners in good spirits (video)