Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Cinema

All time
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Release date for new Bond film delayed for third time
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Here are the new movie releases to watch out for in 2021
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Cinemas, galleries and museums set to re-open next week, but Dáil told January restrictions may be needed
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which scary film will you watch this Halloween weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Tom Vaughan-Lawlor: 'If Love/Hate had happened when I was younger, I might not have been able to handle it'
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you see this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you see this weekend?
'This is a world we've never seen before': Christopher Nolan and his Tenet cast on making the blockbuster
'This is everything': Why the release of Tenet today is a big moment for Irish cinemas
Trailer Watch: Which film will you see this weekend?
Latest: Music venues can 'place query with Department' on whether 50 people are allowed at events
R Kelly’s manager charged with making phone threats to cinema
Trailer Watch: Which film will you see this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you see this weekend?
Poll: Have you been to a cinema since they re-opened?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you watch this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you stream this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which film will you stream this weekend?
NPHET unlikely to budge on 50-person limit for Mass and other indoor gatherings
Trailer Watch: Which film will you stream this weekend?
Outdoor gatherings of up to 5,000 people could take place from September, says Taoiseach
Trailer Watch: Which film will you stream this weekend?
Trailer Watch: Which movie will you stream this weekend?