Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# citizenship

All time
2,400 people from 90 countries will become Ireland's newest citizens today
'I was brainwashed': ISIS bride Begum asks for second chance
British teen who had citizenship revoked says decision was 'unjust'
British teen who joined ISIS but wished to return has UK citizenship revoked by government
More than 70% of people think being born in Ireland should mean an automatic right to citizenship
Trump to abolish citizenship rights for US-born babies
Most people are against Irish citizens in the North voting for the Irish president
Column: 'I remember having to ask for the brown paint for my self-portrait in junior infants'
Nicholas Ndlovu
Language tests for new citizens 'just one option being considered'
Alison Curtis: 'I don't sound Irish - but don't tell me to go back to Canada'
Alison Curtis
Ecuador has granted Julian Assange citizenship
Another Australian politician has resigned from parliament over dual citizenship
Australian politicians will soon have to prove they are not citizens of another country
An Irish woman in a same-sex marriage has two little girls - but only one can get an Irish passport
Number of dual Irish citizens living here up by almost 90% over five years
'Ireland has been a godsend to me': Tory MEP on why he took out an Irish passport
Australia's deputy prime minister may not be eligible for parliament due to dual citizenship
'They're just regular young people like us' - Teens scoop top prize for welcome given to Syrian refugees
After visa changes, Australia is making it harder to become a citizen
Russian man who says he was born here in 1940 has citizenship bid overturned
10% increase in Irish passports issued this year - but Brexit's not to blame
'We don’t know what our futures will hold' - a multicultural family reacts to the Brexit vote
Gordon Reid
Fianna Fáil TD apologises for asking how many Muslims have applied for Irish citizenship
'One of the best': Joe Schmidt becomes an Irish citizen
2,500 people officially became Irish today
Ireland has given out citizenship to more people than anywhere else in the EU*
PHOTOS: Meet Ireland's newest citizens
Citizenship and visa applications reach all time high
Over 400 Irish people will become Australian citizens today
'Ireland is great ... it has never tried to invade or enslave another country'
Ireland grants citizenship to foreign nationals at a greater rate than every EU country bar one
Meet some of Ireland's newest citizens
After six years living in limbo, Natig Sadygov declared stateless
VIDEO: Alan Shatter wasn't taking any questions this morning
Column: The day I had to prove I was Irish – and failed
Stephen Collins
Column: For the Danes, life is all about community... can we learn from them?
John Verling
‘I can now feel lucky every day’: Over 3,000 people granted Irish citizenship
14 years after falling for Ireland, Alison becomes a citizen
Top readers' comments of the week
140 former asylum seekers became Irish citizens today