Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# County Councils

Last year
Councils seek €40 million to help beef up staffing in planning departments nationwide
All time
Report: Here are the counties performing the best and worst on local environment issues
What's happening with public transport in your county right now? Here's a rundown
'Massive issue at the moment': Councils ask public to bin responsibly after recent litter increase
Maternity leave for councillors to be examined by all-female group
Over €140,000 given to 23 projects to help women and people from minority groups become councillors
Sink or swim: Ireland's public swimming pools need a lifeline - here's why
Last remaining councils to meet to nominate their presidential candidate
Local authorities have kept on just 27 JobBridge interns
Retiring town councillors will be paid around €4.6 million
Here's how to keep up with your newly-elected council
Here's how many seats each party holds on your local council
The final stretch: Fewer than 40 council seats still to be filled
What does a county councillor actually do?
Poll: Should people living in areas with more businesses pay less property tax?
Two councils fund women's refuge to stop it closing
Local authorities haven't collected over €355 million owed to them
Labour TD's bill would give public access to private land
Commission calls for legal rules requiring Councils to break even
Household Charge: Councils granted access to rented accommodation database
Wicklow Co Co must find the money to pay property tax on council houses
14 TDs could face sanction for not declaring council pay-offs
Here is the week's news... skewed
Poll: Do you agree with the local government reforms?
Councils use new service MapAlerter to spread information to public
Dáil committee to discuss whether TDs are in breach of ethics laws
Councils face cull as Hogan reveals plans for local government reform
National Bike Week: how to get pedalling
Government to block Bill allowing TDs to scrutinise council spending
Bad planning contributing to Irish obesity levels - An Taisce
The 9 worst councils in Ireland's planning system
Column: ‘Everything local authorities touch turns into a fiasco’
William Campbell
Government 'could save €10million' by using webmail
Role of local authorities to be 'expanded', says Phil Hogan
Column: Abolish the Seanad? Here's a better idea to fix our political system
Simon Tuohy
One in, all in: Seven up for 2011 Presidential contest
Martin McGuinness branded a 'consistent liar' by Gay Byrne
Davis will not follow Gallagher's lead of asking councils to drop support
Mary Davis secures ten council nominations
New report finds that town councils should be enhanced, not scrapped