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# Desert

All time
American woman, 72, survives desert after writing 'Help' with sticks and rocks
Grandfather 'left granddaughter alone in the desert with a loaded gun and told her to shoot any bad guys'
I went to Burning Man and it was even crazier than I expected
PHOTOS: Britain's only desert is on the market for €2m
Elderly woman found after surviving on oranges and rainwater in the desert
This hotel has created a 'Creme Egg burger' just in time for Easter
Google opts for Camel View to help capture Arabian desert
Seven killed as Ukrainian cargo plane crashes in Sahara
Man founds 'new nation' in Africa so his daughter can be a princess
48 children die of thirst in Niger desert
5 ludicrous moments from Britney's new video
Sands of time running out for rare Canadian desert
French and Malian forces patrol historic desert city of Timbuktu
Autistic man survives 3-week ordeal in Utah desert