Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Disconnected

This year
The last of Ireland's payphone boxes are set to be disconnected by the end of the year
Of the 105 remaining kiosks, 11 will become digital kiosks, while the other 94 are set to be removed.
All time
Eir 'working to resolve issue' as mobile and broadband remains down for customers across the country
Explainer: How dinners with a US telecoms millionaire cost Denis Naughten his job
'It's not social to be on social media': The Irishman moving off-the-grid for a happier life
There are 167 garda stations with no access to the Pulse system
'We're a first-world country with third or fourth-world infrastructure'
Yahoo to axe Facebook and Google sign-in option from its services
'Digital retreats' offered to internet burnouts
Govt promises no disconnections this winter
75-year-old Georgian woman cuts off Armenia's internet access