Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Duck

All time
Remains of Chinese rocket booster fall to Earth
Suspected false documents and illegal dumping: the murky world of poultry manure
DSPCA appeals to farmers not to sell ducklings wholesale to 'opportunistic buyers'
Ducklings costing €5 being sold to children by 'opportunistic' sellers who steal animals from Dublin canals
This little brown duck was once thought to be extinct - now, its been released back into the wild
This guy had an 'emotional support duck' on his flight and it was strangely adorable
This duck cheering up a heartbroken dog is melting hearts on Facebook
This rabbit/duck optical illusion is freaking people out
Information sought regarding men that 'fed live duck to pitbull' in Co Laois
Remember bird flu? It's back and it's in Britain
Are those pesky seagulls edging out the ducks in Stephen's Green? No, say the experts...
This story of a baby duckling reuniting with its family will break your heart
TV staffer goes into stealth mode when he realises he's on camera
Woman arrested after throwing object at Hillary Clinton during speech
Terrified woman calls police over home invader... who turns out to be a duck
Dutch artist and Taiwanese stall holder fight over a 59-foot rubber duck
Watch the moment a giant rubber duck burst horribly in Taiwan
Here is a mini pig quacking like a duck
'Vacuuming My Duck' is the best YouTube video title ever
FF candidate insists he didn't intend to be 'racist' towards Chinese community
Here's why you can't search for 'yellow duck' on a Chinese website
Ducklings jumping off a ledge may be the most suspenseful moment of your day
The Bravest Ducks of The Day
How to... Stage a duck race
Earth set for near miss from asteroid - but greater danger ahead