Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Energy

This month
July 2024
Appeals board rejects call for hearing into Amazon plans to build three new data centres
This year
Emissions from electricity usage down 21% last year
Explainer: What does the new loan scheme for home energy upgrades cover and how can I get it?
Emergency power blackouts hit regions of Ukraine after Russian air attack
Cabinet told of Ireland's new target to reduce energy consumption
Routes of 3 major underground electricity cables in Dublin revealed
Poll: Are you struggling to pay your energy bills this winter?
Plans unveiled for UK's 'biggest expansion of nuclear power for 70 years'
Last year
No evidence Russia is a threat to Irish renewable energy supply, Eamon Ryan says
Energy emissions not falling fast enough to stay within carbon budget
Gas and oil industry faces ‘moment of truth’ ahead of COP28, report states
Poll: Do you struggle to pay your energy bills?
Energy supply likely to fall short of winter demand, but by narrower margin than last year
Plans for new deep-water port in Co Meath unveiled
Budget 2024: Some changes kicked in at midnight - others won't take effect for quite a while
All households to receive €450 in energy credits over winter months
Energy security review to find 'short-term' back-up gas storage needed for Ireland
ESB Group reports 30% rise in profits to €676 million in first six months of the year
An Bord PleanĂ¡la rejects application to construct Shannon LNG terminal
Number of home retrofits up 150% from last year
Wind energy use has increased while gas consumption fell by 20%, Gas Networks Ireland reveal
Tax package, energy and business supports to form part of October's giveaway budget
Energy supports for families and businesses to form part of Budget 2024
Finance Minister says final ‘mix’ of energy support not yet decided
Ireland relied on buying 'credits' to reach climate and energy targets - EU audit
Wholesale electricity prices drop 26.6% in year, but consumers still mightn't see decrease in bills yet
The Explainer: What is hydrogen power, and could it replace coal, oil, and gas?
Data centres consumed 31% more electricity last year compared to 2021
North Sea Summit: Ireland and UK need to cooperate on offshore wind energy, says Eamon Ryan
Should we use data centres to heat our homes - or is it greenwashing?
Germany to power down its last nuclear reactors today
VAT rate on supply and installation of solar panels to be abolished
Ryan says windfall tax will help with electricity bills, but fails to commit to more energy credits
'Brexit pubs guarantee' and free childcare, what was in the UK's Budget?
Finance minister tells energy companies to 'treat customers equally' and reduce household bills
Coveney: Electric Ireland 'should answer questions' on price cut for businesses and not households
Electric Ireland to cut business' bills from Wednesday but no change for households
Darragh O'Brien says other energy companies should follow Pinergy's example and cut prices
2022 among 'most challenging' years for energy sector, watchdog to tell politicians
Deadline for Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme being extended past tomorrow