Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Epic fail

All time
The worst kick you will ever, ever see on a rugby pitch
This guy tried to destroy a €7 IKEA table but failed spectacularly
Some racists tried to vandalise a temple but failed spectacularly
This Marseille player should never, ever, ever be allowed take a corner again
This epic wedding fails compilation is all your worst nightmares in one
Cyclist tries to sneak under barrier, gets head embarrassingly stuck in it
Here's the most epic fail at impressing a girl you'll see today
How not to jump off a high diving board
Mortifying fail as Portuguese navy tries out its first drone
Rather unfortunate real estate ad appears in New Zealand newspaper
Epic interview fail by reporter on a boat
Art of showboating takes another hefty blow after this Carlin Isles clanger
The DOs and DON'Ts of epic logo fails
Taekwon-Do instructor kicks board into little girl's face
10 of the most annoying internet phrases known to man
VIDEO: Is this the worst New Year’s Eve live broadcast of all time?
VIDEO: High kick fail ends in pain, embarassment
Um, really? ECB makes video celebrating 10 glorious years of the euro
WATCH: Your sporting blunder of the week
The Magnificent Seven: the worst sports movies ever
Watch: The Italian shootout 'keeper who thought it was all over...but it wasn't