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# Firefox

All time
Want your browser to continue where you left off? This is how
Too many tabs open? Here's how you can snooze them for later
How to get your computer to shut up when it starts playing videos you don't want to watch
Want to separate work and play on your browser? Set up different profiles
Microsoft and Mozilla are lining up to challenge Google Chromecast
If browser tabs are getting the better of you, here's how you can clear them up*
13 browser plug-ins that will improve your web experience
Looking for a Chromecast alternative? Mozilla is working on a rival version
Mozilla plans to test sponsored ads on Firefox
Three weeks after turning off support, Windows XP faces its first major problem
Firefox smartphone system challenges Android and iOS
Mozilla CEO says Google is a "frenemy"
Here's how to access Wikipedia during its 24-hour blackout
Would you trust this man to tell you a website is secure?
The Daily Fix: Friday
12-year-old earns $3,000 for spotting internet security flaw