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# Gay Rights

Last year
India's top court refuses to legalise same-sex marriages, leaving campaigners 'disheartened'
State feared decriminalising same-sex behaviour would lead to ‘public displays of homosexual affection’
Lawyers for State wanted to use AIDS crisis to defend Ireland's ban on same-sex relationships
All time
'Lives were ruined': State moves closer to exonerating men convicted of homosexual 'offences'
'Societal dysfunctionality' around gender roles needs to be tackled, says Defence Forces chief
97% of LGBTI+ youth are struggling with anxiety, stress or depression
'A giant of a man': Influential Aids campaigner and playwright Larry Kramer dies aged 84
'We had bottles thrown at us, a woman spit on us': Six in 10 LGBT people avoid holding hands in public
'It was shocking': GRA to speak to Commissioner over sacking of garda for 'alleged homosexual activity'
Attacks, surveillance, moving home every six months - The life of an LGBT activist in Tunisia
Paris prosecutors open proceedings against Patrice Evra for 'homophobic insults'
Patrice Evra faces legal challenge over 'homophobic' abuse
Diplomatic pressure results in Tanzania stating anti-gay crackdown is not government policy
Homosexuality can still mean the death penalty in many countries
Up to 150 homosexuality convictions could be overturned under Government proposals
Here's a short history of the battle for LGBT rights in Ireland
Brian Merriman: 'Identity theatre is always relevant'
Brian Merriman
Leo Varadkar visits site of the Stonewall riots in New York
'Outpourings of emotion' and 'a force of good': The Gaze Film Festival celebrates 25 years
'We don't have any gays': Chechnya's leader strongly denies his country tortured and killed gay men
One in five young LGBT people say they still face bullying and harassment
'Men subjected to these gay purges have endured a gruesome ordeal in Chechnya'
Taiwan to become first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage
Leader of Liberal Democrats won't say if he thinks being gay is a sin
'I can't stop crying': Tributes after rainbow flag creator Gilbert Baker dies aged 65
Gay priest marries long-term partner in 'beautiful' ceremony in Clare
'Being gay was portrayed as a scandal and shame': George Michael's journey to LGBT activist
This is why people are talking about North Carolina's 'bathroom law'
Uganda blames British colonialism for its anti-gay sex laws
Poll: Do you agree with the verdict in the gay cake row?
Trump wants to quiz people on religion and gender equality before they enter US
‘I’m still Ivan but I’m wearing high-heels.' - Meet Ivan Fahy, an androgynous model from Galway
Thousands turn out for "rainbow vigil" in Dublin to honour those killed in Orlando shooting
Kenyan court bid to stop anal exams of men accused of being gay
Mormonism is taking a lot of heat for its attitude towards gay rights
Church needs to ditch discredited Old Testament views - McAleese
Gay couple asked to leave Dublin restaurant for holding hands
Russian politicians plan to outlaw coming out - but not for "more reasonable" lesbians
Vladimir Putin phoned Elton John, and this time it wasn't a joke
Listen: Elton John agrees to go to Moscow Pride parade in hoax call