Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024


This year
The Irish economy is set to grow this year and next as rate of inflation decreases
That’s according to the ESRI quarterly economic commentary report published today.
EU revises Irish economy forecast to reflect a much smaller growth in 2024
Last year
Central Bank: GDP has declined, but Irish economy has grown in 2023
Irish economy continues to grow despite contraction in GDP for first time in over a decade
Irish economy falls by 1.9% in the third quarter of 2023
Irish GDP set to contract for the first time in over a decade, ESRI says
Price growth slowed in July to 4.6% while the Irish economy grew by 3.3% in Q2
Ireland 'really needs' to manage long-term planning better, fiscal watchdog warns govt
Domestic economy entered 'technical recession' last year but is still up 8.2%
Analysis: Why news headlines about Irish GDP are still irritatingly misleading
Ciarán Casey
All time
Opinion: GDP is not the right measurement for the growth of a country - it's time for a change
Marc Ó Cathasaigh
'Weak' economic quarter despite 10.8% growth in GDP
'Real' incomes to fall for first time since 2013 with inflation outpacing wage growth
Irish economic activity to regain pre-Covid health by end of 2021, says Central Bank
Hopes for a swift economic recovery in 2021 have faded, says ECB
Ireland now officially in recession after largest ever quarterly GDP drop
Ibec warns of the 'sharpest compression of economic activity in living memory'
ESRI warns against austerity measures in short-term as economy heals from the pandemic
Ireland's economic squeeze: could staff shortages stifle growth?
Ireland's economy is set to keep growing next year, but could be seriously hit by a no-deal Brexit
Only three in 10 of us get 'enough' sleep, so how can we improve this?
Pound could crash and economy shrink under no-deal Brexit, Bank of England warns
'Our living standards aren't improving because of the unwillingness by govt to correct market failures'
Robert Sweeney
The lost decade is over: Our 7.8% GDP growth last year was comfortably the highest in Europe
Victor Duggan
For the 4th year running Ireland is set to be Europe's fastest growing economy
FactCheck: Is Frances Fitzgerald right about Ireland's financial gain from the EU?
We might have to give the EU an extra €280 million because of those inflated GDP figures
Ireland has made itself the laughing stock of the economic world, but does that matter?
The second best eurozone economy grew by 5% in 2015. Ireland's expanded by an insane 26%
These international problems could seriously wreck Ireland's economic plans
There are few clouds on the horizon for the Irish economy right now
Things are looking seriously rosy for the EU right now
A British exit from the EU could spell disaster for the Irish economy
Saying jobs are only being created in Dublin is 'highly misleading'
The Irish economy went absolutely STELLAR in 2014
Ireland's economy should soon be back where it started - except for all that debt
Twink, Superquinn sausages, Irish Water, and punts: Ireland by numbers in 2014
The economy 'flatlined' over the summer, but Michael Noonan's not worried
Ireland will have the largest economic growth in the EU in 2014 (and 2015 and 2016)
The law allowing the government to cut public sector pay is being scrapped