Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Ghost Estates

All time
Only six unfinished housing estates remain in Nama
It's 'unlikely' big housebuilders will buy any of the remaining 250 ghost estates
An Irish photographer spent a year taking photos of ghost estates
Ghost estates are disappearing, but what's actually happening with them?
'Largely gone': Ghost estates are rapidly disappearing
Investigation: What is Nama doing to help increase social housing supply?
These are the regions with the most 'ghost estates' still left half-finished
Why we won't need to knock down as many ghost estates as we thought...
The Viewing: Your vital round-up of property news from the week
Ghost estates: The diggers arrive to tear down another 'relic of the boom'
Spain has ghost estates too and jobless families are starting to squat in them
Charity finishes 35 ghost homes, ending seven-year wait for families
Councils get ten million euro to spend on ghost estates
Housing applications and commencements fell nationally in 2013
Over 550 unfinished estates have been resolved in the last year, but 1,200 remain
Forty ghost estates targeted for demolition
Minister for housing says ex-residents of Priory Hall are 'in a dreadful situation'
Absent TDs, rapper dollars and 'The Talk': The week in numbers
Map, table: Ireland's 16,881 vacant homes
Here is the week's news... skewed
The Evening Fix: Thursday
Progress being made on ghost estates
Ghost estate turned into outdoor art exhibition
NAMA confirms plan to demolish derelict Longford apartment block
NAMA to invest €2 billion in unfinished developments, new construction sites
14.5 per cent of dwellings in Ireland vacant in Census 2011
Column: Here's why we turn empty properties into art spaces
Louise Marlborough
Nama to Nature: Why we are planting trees on ghost estates
Ghost estates brought to book in post-Tiger exhibition
We're not the only ones - China has ghost estates too
The Daily Fix: Wednesday
Two thousand new homes to help cut social housing wait
Review of ghost estates finds over 2,000 unfinished developments in Ireland
Ghost estates could be used for social housing - Minister
Housing conference told: 'We'll need to build more new houses'
WATCH: Here's an idea for what to do with unused construction sites...
Column: Portugal and Ireland have much in common… and we both need a leg-up
Nick Leeson
The Daily Fix: Saturday