Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Health

'Vital' developmental checks not being carried out on newborns due to shortage of nurses
A number of parents have contacted the Ombudsman for Children’s Office, saying their children’s health is being put at risk.
This week
21st July 2024 - 27th July 2024
'It's good to be back': Oliver Callan returns to radio show after having skin cancer surgery
Last week
14th July 2024 - 27th July 2024
Bereaved families 'extremely concerned' about scope of HSE probe into baby and mother deaths
Study of drug extending the lifespan of mice may point to possibility of human use
No slushies for children under four, says FSAI
HSE to lift recruitment freeze but 'staffing ceiling' puts patients at risk, say doctors
HSE chief says recruitment freeze to end tomorrow
'My baby died in my arms': A mother on the dangers of AMR
By 2050, 10 million people could die prematurely every year because of antimicrobial resistance – but what exactly is it?
AMR should be taken as seriously as Covid-19, experts say
Pernilla Rönnholm's newborn daughter died because of AMR
"Families are being destroyed, children are dying," she told us
This month
July 2024
Hospitalisations and deaths linked to hot weather are set to increase due to climate change
Last month
June 2024
Drug policy is 'literally killing people' and Ireland should decriminalise use, committee hears
There was a 60% jump in Covid-19 cases in Ireland last week
Chairperson appointed to probe into drug that causes birth defects after almost a year's delay
Number of sexual assaults reported at mental health centres jumps from 12 in 2022 to 42 last year
Concerns have also been raised about the number of people being physically restrained at mental health facilities.
The average episode of physical restraint in 2023 lasted for 4.4 minutes
Sinn Féin's spokesperson for Mental Health, Mark Ward, today expressed "grave concerns" over certain findings
Senator on helping woman who was likely overdosing: 'No one wanted to help, it was really horrible'
Up to 28,000 babies to be offered RSV vaccine this autumn
Measles: 56 cases confirmed in Ireland so far this year
Strong warning issued after cluster of overdoses linked to yellow benzodiazepine tablets
GPs advise parents that infants 6-11 months should receive extra MMR vaccine if travelling abroad
Children deemed 'too autistic' for mental health service and 'too anxious' for disability team
Some children are not seen by CAMHS until they self-harm or attempt suicide, parents have warned.
More people will die if there are further delays to reforming drug approach, Paul Reid warns
Over 1,600 girls at risk of female genital mutilation in Ireland
Author: 'Finding out I was going to be one of the people to lose sight was a huge shock'
Ann Ingle
Free contraception to be made available to women up to age 35 from July
May 2024
Plans announced for 3,000 hospital beds amid warning Ireland is 'miles away' from meeting ICU demand
My story: 'When you become chronically ill, you quickly learn that health is everything'
Sarah O'Connor
Children given 'inadequate or inappropriate' support by CAMHS 'because they were autistic'
Measles: Twenty-six cases, and five outbreaks, confirmed in Ireland this year
Retailers claim safety of shop workers could be compromised by proposed increase in smoking age
Cabinet to consider changing legal age of sale for tobacco in Ireland from 18 to 21
HSE approves new drug that can cut the chances of breast cancer recurring by over 30%
As egg freezing becomes more common, a new study wants to find out what men think about it
Significant spike in whooping cough in small babies in Ireland, after five infants die in England
Twenty measles cases confirmed in Ireland so far this year
New research on flavoured vapes shows potential for 'a new wave of chronic diseases'
Two surgical hubs in Dublin due to begin treating patients later this year
Govt's plan for industrial school survivors 'ignores every recommendation' made by committee
April 2024
HSE chief says UHL emergency department 'much more safe now' than when Aoife Johnston died
FactCheck: Did Sinn Féin really propose spending €500m less on health than the Government?
The claim was made by Taoiseach Simon Harris last week in the Dáil.
HSE missed deadlines to open 5 critical eating disorder treatment hubs
Irish GPs have come under pressure to prescribe hormones, gender service consultant claims
A landmark report in the UK raised concerns over private gender care, which Paul Moran said is also an issue here.
People in need of gender care are turning to private providers due to long waiting lists.
The National Gender Service has advised GPs not to enter shared care arrangements with private clinics.
Dr Paul Moran called on pharmacists to stop dispensing foreign gender healthcare hormone prescriptions.