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# Hearing Loss

All time
'Should I wear a plaque saying I have a disability?': The reality of life with sight loss during a pandemic
Bye-bye bifocals, hello bionic eyes: the future of seeing and hearing
There may be a link between hearing loss and dementia - Trinity study
16 US employees hurt in 'unprecedented acoustic attack' in Cuba
Brian Johnson says he's 'horrified' he may lose his hearing, but is not retiring
A young Taylor Swift fan got to hear her idol sing just before she lost her hearing
You should only be listening to one hour of (quiet) music a day
Column: Our world has never been louder – and noise can be dangerous
Robert Kelly
"We've wasted over €5,000 and a year of our lives."
"We are hopeful": Cochlear implants campaign gets boost
It's official: iPods are slowly making teenagers deaf