Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# idiots

All time
EU expected 'Harry Potter tricks' but UK Brexit negotiators were 'running around like idiots'
Gardaí investigating cyclist pushed off bike from moving car ask people to stop sharing the video
'Fifa takes women footballers for idiots'
7 harsh truths you need to learn about Valentine's Day
Guy attempts to drive a Porsche across a river, because why not?
It's official, science says men are idiots
BAI says that Bryan Dobson wasn't being biased when he called protestors ‘idiots’
Bryan Dobson ‘never meant to cause offence’ when he called protestors ‘idiots’
Here's what Ronan Lyons really thought of protesters on the Six One
Did you see Dobbo calling protesters "idiots" on the news last night?
Have an iPhone? This short film is calling you an idiot
'Now, where are those females?' This Attenborough-narrated hooligan clash is perfect
Hands down the stupidest thing you're going to see today