Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# lava

All time
Lava from La Palma volcano reaches sea after 10-day journey across island
Spanish volcano still spewing out lava, five days after eruption
Canary Island volcano eruption could last three months
20 people found dead in Congo after Africa's most active volcano erupts
Explosions from Hawaii volcano force the evacuation of 2,000 residents
Entire population of Vanuatu island moved to safety as volcano threatens major eruption
7 childhood fears you might never get over
WATCH: People are fleeing their homes because of this deadly lava
This jumping dog would beat you at the lava game EVERY time
This is what happens when you pee on lava
Photos: Thar she blows - Russian volcano erupts for first time in 36 years
11 things we all did when we were kids