Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Mario Rosenstock

All time
Mario Rosenstock's 'Sunday Roast' slot on TodayFM has been cancelled
Companies linked to Denis Desmond and Mario Rosenstock fined over incorrect tax declarations
Mario Rosenstock to host new Sunday show on Today FM
'Politicians' attempt to explain the recession to Garth Brooks... in song
How Jose Mourinho and Mario Rosenstock pranked Damien Duff
Mario Rosenstock casts Marty Morrissey in Blade Runner
This Ryanair 'sensitivity training' sketch is pretty spot on
Mario Rosenstock will be dressing up as Aengus MacGrianna
Bishops claim Mario Rosenstock sketch is "grossly offensive"
VIDEO: What if... the British ruled Ireland?
Strange quango press release of the day
Newstalk is the big winner at PPI radio awards