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# Mitt Romney

All time
President Trump acquitted of all charges at Senate impeachment trial
Mitt Romney, who Trump branded a 'stone cold loser', wins Senate seat
Launching political comeback, Romney says Utah 'welcomes legal immigrants around the world'
Trump picks oil chief (with no diplomatic experience but plenty of ties to Russia) as Secretary of State
Mitt Romney had a cosy dinner last night with Trump, the man he labelled a fraud
Donald Trump isn't worried that 'mixed up man' Mitt Romney's isn't voting for him
"A phony, a fraud" - it's panic stations for the Republicans as Mitt Romney takes a major pop at Donald Trump
Here's 68-year-old Mitt Romney 'knocking down' former world champ Evander Holyfield
Mitt 'Stormin' Mormon' Romney suffered (another) painful defeat last-night
Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney is fighting Evander Holyfield
Mitt Romney might run to become US President ... again
These interns made some terrible mistakes
21 pictures of Enda Kenny meeting famous people
'A logistical, logarithmic progression' : The year in 46 quotes
13 things we didn't know last year
The best memes of 2012
Hyland leaves Las Vegas with enhanced reputation but no world title
Pics: The moment Mitt Romney conceded the election to Barack Obama
Man arrested after approaching Romney at White House
Obama and Romney to have lunch at the White House
What have the words GIF and omnishambles got in common?
Minorities, causes and Nate Silver witchcraft: US election 2012 in numbers
Here is the week's news... skewed
Obama campaign says it won Florida vote
The YouTube top 10: because people really don't like Lance Armstrong
Column: 'The culture war is over, and conservatives have lost'
John McGuirk
Paul Ryan to remain as chair of House Budget committee
the world reacts to Barack Obama’s re-election
Videos: The moment US TV networks called the election for Obama
Video: President Barack Obama's victory speech in full
US man refers to 'very close race' for presidency just before execution
Donald Trump on Obama's win: "A total sham and a travesty"
Barack Obama wins second term as US President
Barack Obama re-elected as US President: as it happened
Obama holds slender lead as Florida heads down to the wire
Queues mean final Virginia, Florida results could be delayed by hours
Ohio and Florida exit polls appear to favour Obama
So what happens if the Electoral College is a tie?