Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Passport

All time
Collector finds Marvin Gaye’s passport inside album bought for 50c
Two Passport office employees arrested in new fraud investigation
Poll: Do you know where your passport is?
Polling cards to be sent to 29,000 new voters after council blunder
Irish embassies around the world issued 94,363 passports last year
Second Passport Office employee released without charge
This is everything* you need to know about bringing your pet on holidays
Passport applicants must use 'Express' service from 30 June
Column: Transgender people should have the right to change their birth certificate
Aengus Ó Snodaigh
EU dashes Bulgaria, Romania hopes to join passport-free zone
No more waiting in long lines at the Passport Office
'Passport please': Ryanair boss checks boarding passes at Dublin Airport
Automatic service would remind people when their passport is expiring
Have you checked your passport lately?
Watch your back Rory! It's the sporting tweets of the week
Passport office getting average of 250 applications a day
Man uses iPad to cross US border (or does he?)
Get your passport out: 6 trips to take in 2012
Daily Fix: Friday
Government officials intervene as Irish J1 students warned over faked passport ploy
Senator Mary White denies passport office outburst