Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# pay back now

All time
Hanging wires, cramped locker rooms, no custody areas - gardaí say they work in 'third world conditions'
'We had to wrap stab vests around three kids to protect them from gunfire'
TDs accused of using Dáil privilege to 'sully the good name' of gardaí
Head-butts, bites and a broken nose - but no jail time for garda attackers
Allegations garda shot civilian dead should be brought to GSOC - Commissioner
Gardaí: Some officers are worse off than people on the dole
Reward for garda's name and address offered on anti-water charges site
Gardaí: 'Batons and pepper spray won't deter religious fundamentalists'
Machine guns, tasers and pay rises on agenda for rank and file gardaí