Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# robots

All time
Channel 4’s Christmas message to be AI-generated and delivered by a robot
From shoes to prosthetic arms, there is a growing appetite for personalisation in medtech
Work-It: Are robots really going to steal your job?
An Irish robot called Stevie made the cover of Time magazine
Poll: Are you worried a robot could take your job?
Robots to take 20 million jobs in the manufacturing industry by 2030
Tayto Park wants humanoid robots to make the queue at its water ride more entertaining
Poll: Are you worried a robot could take your job?
Varadkar warns that robots and artificial intelligence pose risk to people's jobs
Bye-bye pizza guy, no more spice bag shame: The future of getting a takeaway
Would you buy a coffee from this robot? It just started working at Japan's 'strange cafe'
Elon Musk backs call for killer robots to be banned
Two robots casually debated the future of humans in Hong Kong this week
Sex robots could help elderly, disabled but may lead to more objectification of women, study warns
Are robots going to take all of our jobs?
Robots should be given legal status as 'electronic persons' and fitted with 'kill switches' - EU
Driverless cars - another step towards Big Brother?
Meet Kirobo, Toyota's new friendly robot that could cure your loneliness
Fancy having your portrait drawn by three robots called Paul in Dublin?
Tech billionaire believes robots will reduce us to the role of a 'house cat'
Think Google's robots are weird? You ain't seen nothing yet
Turns out real dogs don't really like Google's robotic dogs
Watch Google's robot be bullied and terrorised by its creators
Soon robots will be able to see the world the same way we do
Robot owners told not to have sex with them
Microsoft is teaching a robot to have a sense of humour
Beloved robot hitchhikes around the world, gets destroyed after two weeks in America
Some of the world's top scientists think it's judgement day in the battle against robo-killers
Scientists are on the cusp of these 11 discoveries that will transform the world
These are the 20 jobs most likely to be taken over by robots
This four-legged robot can jump over walls without breaking its stride
Watching Google's new robot dog get kicked is oddly unsettling
Russia is training killer robots, as you do
Amazon has an army of robots helping it send gifts on their way
Google working on quantum computing chip that will help develop artificial intelligence
What happens when a robot doesn't know something? It just goes on the internet
These freaky self-assembled robots build themselves from flat pack
'Automation is Voldemort': tech experts polled on the future impact of robots and AI
Is a Terminator-style robot apocalypse a possibility?
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday