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# Space Exploration

This year
Nasa mission ends after three years on Mars as helicopter makes last flight
Poll: Should we still be trying to reach the moon?
Last year
Poll: Is space exploration a worthwhile endeavour?
ESA mission to explore Jupiter’s moons postponed due to risk of lightning
All time
Chinese astronauts return to Earth after six-month mission
Dr Niamh Shaw: Why space travel is much more than a billionaire’s pastime
Niamh Shaw
Open thread: What should be a priority in space exploration?
Poll: Who do you think is leading the modern space race?
The Good Information Project: We're launching our 'space module'
India's space agency says it lost contact with spacecraft minutes before planned moon landing
Mission to discover the mysteries of Mercury blasts off
There's a European plan to have 100 people living on the Moon by 2040
A Trinity professor will play a big role in space exploration
Last-minute glitch forces SpaceX rocket to cancel launch with 13 seconds left on countdown
WATCH: Spacecraft blasts off in new mission to search for life on Mars
Tiny steel part blamed for rocket explosion that caused $110 million damage
What's under the icy seas of Europa? NASA plans to find out
If we're going to Mars, where are we going to land, live and work on the red planet?
This space suit isn't from a new sci-fi movie. NASA astronauts might wear this to Mars
Poll: Do you think the Mars One project will succeed?
These 7 days are historically the deadliest in NASA history
Beaming the internet down from space looks like Google's next project
Did you know that the US left poo on the moon?
'Get your ass to Mars': Buzz Aldrin wants humans to permanently occupy Mars
The Rosetta probe comet landing cost us... €3.50 each
Space exploration has a new major player in town...Google
Comets smell like a mix of rotten eggs, horse pee, alcohol and almonds
'It's not like Star Trek': This is a big weekend for NASA's plans to land a human on Mars
The most spectacular piece of rubbish you're likely to see
SpaceX are to launch a solar powered ship that will sail up into orbit
Column: Look up! The Red Planet is continuing to shine brightly in the night sky
Conor Farrell
US:Russia tensions now affecting space exploration, as NASA cuts Moscow contacts
An 'extremely bright' fireball was spotted over Ireland
NASA finds 'bonanza' of 715 new planets, but how many could support life?
China's Jade Rabbit dies on moon's surface
So, what are the chances we'll see an Irishman (or anybody) head to Mars?
Is there life on Mars? Ten years on the Opportunity rover is still looking
Meet the Irish man who's been shortlisted to go to Mars and never come back
European space mission to explore strange changes in Earth’s magnetism
India to launch first Mars mission tomorrow