Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# The Dress

All time
Nobody is sure what colour this photo is... It's the dress all over again
People are losing it over this optical illusion of a girl's 'shiny legs'
This girl ordered a dress online and it definitely didn't live up to expectations
Nobody can agree on what colour this jacket is
Remember 'The Dress'? Well now it's a Halloween costume
The Dress that divided the internet is now a sexy Halloween costume
Nobody can decide what the hell is going on in this picture
The whole internet was duped into thinking this was Jennifer Aniston's wedding dress
8 optical conundrums that will make your brain hurt
Is this cat going up or down the stairs?
Is this cat going up or down these stairs?
Here's why Jennifer Lopez is responsible for the invention of Google Images
This lobster is driving the internet crazy... it's like The Dress all over again
'Why is it so hard to see black and blue?: The Dress takes on domestic violence
The makers of #TheDress just released an official white and gold version
A man has only gone and tattooed #TheDress on himself
The debate around the colour of a dress threatens to tear the Man City team apart
This is why people were divided on the colour of *that* dress
Government minister says dress is white and gold, is clearly wrong
So we asked this government minister about the colour of *that* dress...
People are now trashing The (black and blue) Dress in hilarious Amazon reviews
14 of the funniest reactions to The Dress
The colour of this dress is driving the internet absolutely insane
Column: The Debs is a bittersweet occasion – everything changes after it
Kim Cadogan
Revealed (yet again): Kate Middleton's wedding dress designer