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# Trapped Miners

All time
Rescuers say at least two more weeks to free trapped Chinese miners
28 miners rescued after underground ordeal
At least 21 killed in gas explosion at Chinese mine
Fourth and final body found at Welsh mine
Chilean copper miners' drama set for silver screen
Chilean mine collapse report blames owners
Rescue of New Zealand miners delayed over second explosion fear
In pictures: the Chilean rescue, as it unfolded
Timeline of a truly great escape
Seeing the light: 33 miners freed after ten-week torture
Haircuts and heels: Miners' wives race to look their best
Chile: what happens next?
Drill pierces roof of Chilean mine
Rescue teams hope to rescue Chilean miners tomorrow
First baby born to trapped Chilean miner
Will you be mine?: Sending his love up the well
Chilean miners in good spirits (video)
Chile looks to the skies to keep its miners safe
Families of trapped miners told to keep it upbeat
Chilean miners trapped for 17 days send out message