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# Uganda

All time
Uganda tests 'rubber band circumcision' in battle against HIV
Opinion: I was a vulnerable girl when I came to Ireland, and I’m forever grateful to the loving friends I met
Justine Nantale
Case Study: Being a gay woman in DRC and facing fears of 'punitive' rape
Fishermen blamed for huge number of HIV cases in Ugandan village
From massacres and malnutrition to hope and healing - Burundi and Rwanda 20 years on
Column: There's a viral spread of increasingly restrictive laws curtailing human rights
Mary Lawlor
Telecom giant Orange pull ads from Ugandan tabloid that outs LGBT people
'Not appropriate' to cut Irish aid to Uganda over anti-gay laws
Uganda tabloid prints list of 200 'top' gay people
"Others cannot dictate to us": Uganda signs controversial anti-gay bill into law
Tánaiste: Anti-gay laws will "affect our valued relationship" with Uganda
Poll: Should Ireland give aid to countries that deny gay rights?
Column: Living for love, dying because of hate – the rising tide of homophobia in Africa
Column: Uganda’s anti-gay law… what can you do?
Paul OKeeffe
Uganda passes tough new bill against homosexuality
Irish Aid requires an external audit system to improve standards - PAC report
Column: The way some people view African countries is inherently racist – as Kony 2012 shows
Kevin McPartlan
11 countries to sign DR Congo peace accord: UN
Chess giving hope to slum children
Bill Gates to meet with Taoiseach, Tánaiste and President tomorrow
Ugandan army says it killed top Kony bodyguard
Here's how Ireland distributed €159m among nine countries last year
Uganda repays €4 million in Irish Aid funding that was misappropriated
DR Congo's M23 rebels arrive for peace talks
Labour TD calls Pope's gay marriage comments "deeply insulting"
Britain suspends aid to Rwanda over DR Congo rebel support
'Collusion at senior levels' of Ugandan government agencies led to aid fraud - report
Congo: Violence continues, M23 rebels press forward after gains
Column: The ‘Kill The Gays’ law is shocking – but we mustn’t act rashly
Brian Finnegan
Irish Aid says misappropriation of funds will 'not happen again' - Crowe
Labour LGBT: Ugandan 'kill the gays' bill must be stopped
Uganda commits to repaying €4m in misappropriated Irish Aid funds
Aaron McKenna: Should we turn off the tap of Irish aid to other countries?
Aaron McKenna
'Millions of lives' could be saved by new global subsidy for malaria drugs
Public Accounts Committee member wants probe into Irish overseas aid
Ugandan prime minister: 'I didn't receive misappropriated Irish money'
Poll: Should Ireland distribute foreign aid while it is in a bailout?
Irish Aid: Tánaiste "absolutely disgusted" after alleged Uganda aid fraud
Ireland suspends aid to Uganda after report suggests €4m fraud
Reward: Marathon winner Kiprotich promised new house for parents