Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# can you not

All time
Irish actor Niall Sheehy was raging at audience members who watched England's penalty shootout in the middle of his play
This sexist review of Wonder Woman has people rolling their eyes hard
This journalist's response to a photo of Emma Watson is why the world needs feminism
Everyone is slating this article advising men how to talk to women wearing headphones
This tweet perfectly sums up the kind of guff girls put up with on the internet
A man was fined for speeding with three trucks stacked on top of each other
Straight people: please don't 'come out' as straight on National Coming Out Day
10 things you should never do when you live with your other half
Taylor Swift was NOT happy with this magazine calling her 'Harry Styles' ex'
This photo of a man proposing to his partner has managed to annoy EVERYONE
12 times people were the absolute worst on public transport
Is this the most Jeremy Kyle thing to ever happen?
9 adults who couldn't be more unhelpful about the Leaving Cert