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# Coming Out

All time
Phillip Schofield: 'I have been coming to terms with the fact that I am gay'
'You're just accepted for who you are and that's the way it should be in men's or women's football'
'Be the one to step in. It changed my life': James Kavanagh describes school bullying on Late Late
This Irish director got a lovely message from a parent saying his film helped their kid come out
'I felt like the biggest liar ever. You don't want people to think differently of you'
Ellen DeGeneres shared a brilliant update on her iconic 1997 Time Magazine cover
Barry Manilow speaks about hiding his gay relationship for nearly 40 years
First Dates' Susan tells of the turmoil she endured as a closeted mother-of-two
This teenager came out to her family while on a Disneyland rollercoaster
Huge rise in young people coming out as gay since marriage referendum
Munster's Scannell named at 10 as Emerging Ireland take on Uruguay
"It is definitely a lot harder to stay in than to come out"
"Everything changes with this": Tears, relief (and sunscreen) at a jubilant Dublin Castle
'Worse than losing my seat': Leo would be absolutely devastated with a No vote
Former minister Pat Carey on being gay: 'Colleagues sometimes unwittingly said hurtful things'
14 lovely reactions to Pat Carey's interview about being gay
14 lovely reactions to Pat Carey's courageous interview about being gay
'It's a really brave thing and the more people that come out, the more acceptable it is'
8 wonderful coming out reactions that will warm your heart
'His courage will inspire many others who would like to be open about who they are'
19 heart-warming and funny reactions to Varadkar coming out
'Have you ever been to Pantibar?' - Enda Kenny slags Leo Varadkar about getting there first
9-time All-Ireland winner Valerie Mulcahy comes out in Donal Óg documentary
Here's the heartfelt letter a 9-year-old girl wrote her teacher after he came out as gay
13-year-old comes out to best friend via text, best friend has heartwarming response
Opinion: Why do some straight people automatically assume a gay person fancies them?
Christine Allen
Opinion: When is the right time to tell a child that you're gay?
Christine Allen
Teacher receives lovely email from student after coming out during school assembly
Australia's five-time Olympic gold medallist Ian Thorpe reveals he is gay
Artist turns homophobic tweets sent to Tom Daley into beautiful portrait
When you're young and want to come out, a high profile sportsperson doing the same gives you reassurance
‘I was living a lie’ – England women’s captain comes out
Column: Why I’m still afraid to come out to my friends and family
Catherine W
Fear of rejection still biggest barrier to coming out for trans community
10 moving coming out moments to celebrate National Coming Out Day
Column: 'Coming out' as gay meant that, at 54, I could finally be myself
Eddie Parsons
This photo is how one man came out to his Facebook friends
PIC: Amazing note from a dad to his gay son
German FA sets up group to help gay players
Sportswriter comes out as gay in his latest column