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Last night's Deception: Bullying, stabbing, and amazing angry faces

Things got crazy. Here’s everything we learned.

TV3′s FIRST EVER Irish-produced drama Deception reached new, dizzying heights of craziness last night.

It also contained genuinely affecting scenes of bullying, a number of things which symbolise Ireland today, and the best Angry Faces you will ever see.

Here’s how it went down:

1. Kids these days

They just want to make viral videos with murdered corpses. That’s all. Won’t you give them that?

Troy and his pals discover the body in the house next door, and film themselves with it. Natch. Sadly, the video gets passed around at school and shown to the headteacher. (Seriously, who passes this stuff to the headteacher?)

2. Bullying

The first of several frankly uncomfortable scenes of bullying in this episode. Here Troy neatly demonstrates his “about to snap” face.

3. This For Sale sign

Is practically an extra character in Deception at this stage. OK, OK, we get it. Ireland is for sale.

(Don’t tell us the little row of houses isn’t a microcosmic representation of Ireland. It plainly is.)

Our first sighting of the For Sale sign also inaugurates a running theme of this episode: Things That Are A Symbol Of Ireland.

4. The world’s most overprotective mother

Her son is toting a gun and filming himself with corpses. In response, Ann Baker only does this face:

5. Things That Are A Symbol Of Ireland #2

This medical dummy.

Emma gives it to Troy (or more precisely, Troy’s overprotective mother) as she’s decided to ditch medicine.

It’s in bits, it’s seen better days, and it’s about to suffer a bitter fate.

6. The best sentence ever uttered while trying to pull a knife out of a butchered medical dummy’s mouth

“Don’t they have any Napa Valley Zinfandel?”

7. Teenage Dialogue 101

Leigh Arnold’s appearance. Always a joy, never a chore.

This episode it’s made especially poignant by the commentary of Troy’s harebrained teenage pals as she walks past. Are you ready? This is how kids talk today:

Oh man, MILF heaven.
So hot.

8. Leigh’s Angry Faces

She really outdoes herself with the faces once she finds out the boys have scratched “SLUT” in the bonnet of her car.

Here’s a selection:

9. Troy’s reign of terror

The bullied becomes the bully. Troy is genuinely pretty terrifying. Even if “blow the gun or I’ll blow your brains out” is DEFINITELY a line he practised in front of the bathroom mirror.

10. Things That Are A Symbol Of Ireland #3

The bins, according to grumpy next-door-neighbour Larry. “No wonder the country went down the toilet,” he roars as he leaves his house.

Bit much, but hey. Being a bit much is what Deception is all about.

11. The final showdown

Ann snaps and calls Troy a “fucking sadistic little prick”, which is a bit of a turnaround for her.

Doesn’t go down too well though, because Troy pulls a gun.

Luckily, that leads to more of…

12. The Many Faces of Ann Baker

This week’s episode was basically a masterclass in Face Acting from Kris Edlund’s Ann Baker character. Shall we have a look at a greatest hits reel?

Strap yourself in. It’s a wild ride:

Whew. Everyone still with us? Good. Finally…

13.Things That Are A Symbol Of Ireland #4

This bridge in the episode’s final shot, when Ann chucks Troy’s gun into the river.

It’s a meeting point of cultures, the site of many arguments, and it’s covering up the evidence.

See you next week!

More: 11 reasons why you should be watching Deception>

More: Celebrity Come Dine With Me 2013 – the best bits of every episode>

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