Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
straight outta finglas

So, remember DJ Spiral? He's released a new single...

Seven years after his Big Brother appearance… he’s back.

YOU MAY REMEMBER DJ Spiral. The young, striving Finglas rapper and DJ who went international with an appearance on Big Brother 7 in 2006.

Well, the man who cooked up the chorus

I’m Spiral, I mean what I say / I’m Spiral, writing rhymes every day

has got a new club banger. Yes, a new single after seven years.

Do you want to hear it? Well, you are IN LUCK. Presenting Working Me Out:


It’s a bit of a change since he was rapping about “heading down to Blanch/getting chased by Special Branch”, frankly.

As a reminder of those days, here’s his immortal interview with Dermot O’Leary after leaving the house:


And here’s his breakout single, Finglas:


God be with the days, eh?

h/t Ann Marie Duffin

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