Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# filth

All time
What Percent Durtburd Are You?
The 27 most unfortunate typos of all time
5 filthy things you never noticed about Mundy's July
We read the new 50 Shades of Grey to pick out the filthiest bits so you don't have to
Limerick boasts best Father Ted-style Fifty Shades of Grey protest yet
Here's what Ireland searched for on Google in 2014
12 insanely sexual examples of food porn
This filthy car will make you feel really good about the state of your car
Just Senator Susan O'Keeffe, giving a radio interview... wait, WHAT?
Bryan Cranston reads his most erotic fan letter ever
The 17 absolute rudest place names in Ireland
The Dredge: She's pregnant now??!!!