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This lady has the cutest obituary you'll read today

“She disliked very much the end of the football season, her middle name and McDonalds.”

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FREEDA CUMMINGS PASSED away last week aged 80.

An obituary for the woman, who hailed from Little Rock, Arkansas, has been uploaded to Reddit and is going a little bit viral on account of how truly adorable it is.

It has a wonderful opening…

FREEDA CUMMINGS passed on August 12. A fact not lost on the family is that she died before she could see Hilary Clinton elected, just as she had hoped.

And only gets better from there.

Her family notes that she eschewed tips for eating healthily…

Freeda sledge hammered every rule of eating healthy to obtain a nice long life. She had a passionate love of peanut butter cookies, corn bread and buttermilk, pecan pies, candy bars, and Diet Coke.

And revealed her pet peeves.

Freeda disliked very much any Texas or Alabama football team and considered any game those states won as rigged or otherwise not on the up-and-up. She disliked very much, the end of football season, her middle name, and McDonalds.

Before ending the whole thing on this wonderful note…

In lieu of flowers the family asks that you instead go fishing. Watch a Razorback game. Eat a well-made pecan pie. And love.

Solid advice.


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