THE PENSIONER WHO shot to global fame with her ‘creative’ restoration of a Christ fresco is feeling hard done by. Why? Because she feels like she should be getting paid.
Cecilia Gímenez took it upon herself to touch up the Ecce Homo fresco in a sanctuary near the northern Spanish town of Zaragoza, turning it in the process from a flaking masterpiece into a fun tourist attraction for all the family.
In the process, of course, she created a viral sensation. When the sanctuary decided to start charging for entry last Saturday, they collected €2,000 in just four days, according to El Correo.
And lawyers for Gímenez are now considering legal action, arguing that the pensioner should be entitled to a share of the royalties. After all, it WAS her that botched the thing in the first place.
She may also seek to copyright the work.