Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Friday Feeling

All time
Late Late Show promises a 'slice of magic' in place of cancelled Electric Picnic as show returns for new season
'I don't have cancer anymore': Louise McSharry reveals good news on Daffodil Day
Thank birdies it's Friday as Rory McIlroy leads The Open way
9 signs you've already mentally started your Bank Holiday weekend
11 sure signs you've got that 'Friday Feeling'
Derval O'Rourke's Friday evening routine puts us to shame
16 reasons staying in on Friday night is the best
VIDEO: Women’s shampoo is not for you, men
It's Friday, so here's a slideshow of leprechauns from around the world
Tayto, duvet days, and a brand new baby: Feelgood Friday slideshow
Does today feel like the happiest day of the year to you?