RELAX, ALL YOU friggatriskaidekaphobics: there’s no need to be scared of Friday the 13th if you’re looking for love.
An Australian astrologer says the alignment of four planets today is good news for romantic relationships. The Cairns Post has called on the expertise of stargazer Johnny Fernandez who claims that today is the perfect time ask your heart’s desire on a date. He said:
It (the alignment of Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mars) can bring a lot of creativity, and a lot of expression in the romantic areas, and it represents transformaion. If you have been trying to ask someone out, the foundations have been laid down for you.
If you don’t hold truck with astrology, then the very fact that those four major planets have been aligning this week should bring good cheer. NASA reports that today, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in particular “form a bright celestial triangle”. Pretty.
This is their ScienceCast on the “Great Morning Planet Show”: