Friends is 20 years old today! (This article was originally published in March 2013)
REMEMBER WHEN FRIENDS was an essential date in your week?
Remember when you divided your friends into Joey, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Monica and Phoebe?
Remember when you tried to copy Rachel’s hair (girls) or Chandler’s jokes (boys)?
You may not have realised it, but all that time you were absorbing essential life skills. We’ve recapped them for you here.
Are there any we’ve missed? Add them in the comments…
1. How to pretend you’re enjoying something
Rub the stomach.
2. How to get a spray tan
Number 2 should do it.
3. How to stay in a difficult relationship
If they’re your lobster.
4. And how to end one
Move to 15 Yemen Road, Yemen.
5. How to carry something up the stairs
6. How to look graceful with a turkey on your head
7. Also, how to look intelligent with a turkey on your head
8. Essential vocabulary
9. Important dating etiquette
Always, ALWAYS ask before taking food
10. The lunge
11. The truth about evolution
“Monkeys, Darwin… It’s a nice story – I just think it’s a little too easy.”
YouTube/Glenn Davey
12. How to keep your self-esteem up
Love you Bruce Willis. You know why? Because you’re a … neat guy.
YouTube/Artem Frolov
13. The fallacy of braids
14. Why you can be relaxed about childcare
Joey electrocuted himself again.
15. That ‘tartlets’ exist
16. What the 1980s looked like
17. And how to deal with a jellyfish sting
YouTube/Carly Pursall