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# Language

All time
My little girl was fixated at dropping the F-bomb. Here's how I got her to stop
Sadhbh Devlin
Failure to translate legislation after 11 years could see criminal cases dismissed
How Good Is Your Vocabulary?
The UK's immigration service made an extremely unfortunate typo
The UK's immigration service just made an extremely unfortunate typo
Why are Scandinavians so amazing at speaking English?
Judge rules failed breathalyser test void as results were provided in English only
'It's the army, not kindergarten': RTÉ's Recruits doc got quite a reaction on Twitter last night
Is it ever OK to say the word c**t?
'Manspreading' and 'Grexit' have been added to the Oxford Dictionaries
9 words you've never heard that perfectly describe your life
Barack Obama used the n-word while discussing racism
Here's why the Internet of Things is going to change everything you do
That 'other referendum' could bridge a gap between the Irish and English versions of our Constitution
Barry Ward
Only two of 32 councils are fully complying with laws to provide services in Irish
Do we care enough about Irish to keep it alive?
Donal O'Keeffe
Hiberno-English is part of what makes us Irish – so let's celebrate it!
James Harold
Poll: Should employees have to speak only English while working?
Supermarket apologises after telling staff to only speak in English
Why SHOULD Irish get full EU support? Not enough of us speak it.
Aaron McKenna
14 words and phrases that have a totally different meaning in Dublin
You need to hear this Swedish city's very strange word for 'yes'
10 excellent long-lost words you should definitely start using again
Did you know there are 100 ways to say 'How are you?' as Gaeilge?
'Irish language for third-level entry shouldn't be a rule', universities told
Offended by 'curry my yoghurt'? Gregory Campbell thinks you need a 'humour bypass'
Former RTÉ head criticises Kenny over "less than fluent" Gaeltacht minister
Opinion: Domestic violence victims who are disabled face multiple obstacles to help
Margaret Martin
Almost 3,000 children are waiting over a year for speech and language therapy
Column: How does colour affect our way of seeing the world?
John H. McWhorter
Opinion: 'Peig Sayers represents our complexity and there is a little of her in us all'
Caitríona Ní Mhurchú
Column: How social media is changing language
Jon Reed
Opinion: Does learning a second language lead to a new identity?
Arturo Hernandez
Did you know the Oireachtas offers Irish and French classes?
Why are some foreigners being "ridiculed" for learning Irish?
The Gaeltacht Minister wants you to join him on 'a journey' to improve his Irish
Opinion: The rights of the Deaf community have just been spectacularly undermined
John Cradden
Video: Error-laden pidgin or creative creole? The Irish of the Gaelscoil
Breandán Mac Ardghail
Opinion: The deepening relationship between Ireland and China
Eoin McDonnell
Opinion: With Bloomsday upon us, let's be inspired to pay attention to the details
Sue Norton