Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Language

This year
Irish: It's not cool to just tear down our beautiful, native Gaeilge
Caolán Mac Grianna
Last year
World Rugby launches review into Curry's 'white c***' accusation
UK education secretary apologises after being caught swearing on camera
All time
The Explainer: Is there a significant revival of the Irish language underway?
Extract: Irishisms - Craic, grand, yokes; what our words say about us
Denise Deegan
Taoiseach will not follow Amnesty International in using 'apartheid' in relation to Israel
Opinion: We should build a 'Gaelollscoil' in the Gaeltacht as a means of reviving the Irish language
Caoimhín De Barra
'The guy said, 'There's no way you play for Munster, you can't speak English''
Boris Johnson criticised for using name of murdered MP Jo Cox to sell Brexit
Call for change in language requirements for garda recruits with dyslexia
Opinion: What does it take to raise your children through Irish?
Caoimhín De Barra
Babies who hear two languages at home have a better ability to concentrate
The Irish For: Brexit and the rise of Hiberno-English
Darach Ó Séaghdha
Maamtrasna murders: Wrongful detention and execution in a divided Ireland
The Irish For...The role of dogs in legends, proverbs and the Brehon laws
Darach Ó Séaghdha
The Irish for... 'Why the naming of new technologies in Irish can be more controversial than with English'
Darach Ó Séaghdha
Department of Social Protection to train staff in the use of plain English
Can chimpanzee vocalisations reveal the origins of human language? This study found out
Dublin could be getting a 'flagship' Irish language hub for speakers to meet and speak
Craig Gilroy apologises for 'totally inappropriate' WhatsApp message sent to Stuart Olding
Irish-speaking areas in the North to receive official recognition for the first time
Attitudes towards Irish: 'You can't speak that in the delivery room, I'm not racist I say it to Muslims too'
Peter Kavanagh
Legislation to officially recognise Irish Sign Language set to pass through Dáil today
Birds may learn new songs in similar way to how children learn new language
Every county in Ireland now has an Irish language Snapchat filter
Here's how Leaving Cert students did in French, Russian and Japanese
'It's about how we speak and live': How rap music is saving languages on the brink of extinction
'I needed something to centre myself around': US woman learned Irish to improve memory loss
Irish MEPs criticised as term 'mompreneur' used in European Parliament
Peru is fighting to save 17 languages that are in danger of dying out
The case for ending state support of Irish language is littered with dubious 'facts'
Caoimhín De Barra
Over 2.3 million language learners have signed up for Irish lessons on Duolingo
Should taxi drivers here have to take an English language test? The NTA is asking that question
New York taxi drivers no longer have to pass English proficiency test
8 perfect Irish words and phrases English just can't match
17 times Irish people proved Gaeilge is the funniest language
Gerry Adams: “I’ve never seen myself as white. That’s only skin deep."
13 phrases that make no sense outside of Cork
8 Irish words and phrases that English just can't match
'Abortion on demand' phrase pushes idea women will get abortions as easy as choosing a Netflix movie
Robert Grant