WE LIVETWEET EVERYTHING from Christmas dinner with our families to the Oscars, but periods? That’s new.
Last week, New York Times Magazine writer Jenna Wortham wrote about a burgeoning movement on Twitter that sees women livetweeting their monthly visitors.
Wortham had stumbled upon the hashtag #LiveTweetYourPeriod on Twitter and was struck by how many hilarious tweets she found.
In her article, she wrote that she thought posting about periods on social media could help “normalise” them and start a much-needed discussion online.
Perhaps posting about taboo topics in public, right alongside the quotidian details of our lives, helps normalize, desexualize and destigmatize women’s reproductive health — a topic shrouded in shame for far too long.
Since then, the hashtag has exploded with women all over the world dropping truth bombs about their monthly visitors.
When your jeans won’t do up and you hate everything
When sleep and eating peanut butter is all that’s on your to-do list
When you literally can’t move because the painkillers haven’t kicked in yet
When you’re just not prepared for it
When even the most basic human acts are suddenly fraught with extreme danger
When this absolute nonsense happens and you just want to curl up and die
When your boobs feel like someone just threw a basketball at your chest
And when you truly feel like you might be dying
“Tell my mother I loved her.”
- you, on your period
For more hilarious observations, you can look through the hashtag here.