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# millenials

All time
Work-it: Playing the generation game
Opinion: It's hard to survive as a 30-something in a millennial’s world
Leah Quinn
3 eco-friendly products to assuage your existential crisis that the planet is doomed
Millennials - Here's the film that won the Oscar for Best Picture the year you were born
Barack Obama warns against 'irresponsible' social media use in interview with Prince Harry
Have you ever had sex in a public place? 55% of Irish millennials have
A Dublin startup is trying to stop millennial workers from quickly switching jobs
11 reasons being a millennial is the absolute WORST
A 'hipster nativity set' exists and it's pretty much exactly how you'd imagine it
Tinder shminder: Millennials are actually having less sex than at any point since the 1930s
Everyone is taking the piss out of this cringey email from Microsoft to its 'bae interns'
This artist's sticky-note cartoons sum up the struggle of being an adult
Humans of New York parody excellently takes the piss out of millennials
21 times the internet perfectly summed up your twenties
Missy Elliott played the Super Bowl and some kids had literally no idea who she was
Megatron drops some serious truth bombs about selfie culture