YOU CAN’T BEAT these little moments, so don’t even try.
1. Taking off your bra after a long day
2. Squeezing a blackhead
So disgusting but so cathartic.
3. Looking at pore strips when they come off your nose
I’m free of all that gunk!
4. Peeling a facemask off
Bonus points if a ton of it comes off at the same time.
5. Taking your makeup off and seeing this
6. Cleaning the hair out of your brush
Pulling that clump out with one swoop and the difference it feels on your head… unrivaled pleasure.
7. Washing makeup brushes
Foaming them up and watching all the shite come out… amazing.
8. Peeling nailpolish off in one strip
9. Newly shaven legs on the duvet
10. Taking your hair out of a tight ponytail